If you are selling several items in the marketplace, use this component to open the marketplace to your items.
Last updated
If you are selling several items in the marketplace, use this component to open the marketplace to your items.
Last updated
Sinespace® is a registered trademark of Sine Wave Entertainment Ltd, All Rights Reserved.
Name or your brand
Tagline for your brand
Drop UI/3d text for your brand
Drop UI/3d tagline text for your brand
Select a category to be displayed
You can attach this component to an NPC or an object, in your region and it will open the Shopping window to your brand name and items can also be selected by category.
Brand Name Enter your brand name or brand name of the creator your wish to display. The shopping window will be filtered by this name.
Tag line You can set a tagline of your brand here.
Brand Text you can set a 3D or WorldUI brand name text by dropping the item here.
TagLine text you can set a 3D or WorldUI Tagline text by dropping the item here.
Category Select category you wish to display. If not category is select, all the items under your brand name will be shown.