

Legacy animation clip

drag animation here

Child name

name of camera in FBX

Target name

Name of the target camera

Tweak axis

tweaks orientation of the imported FBX in unity

Tweak position

Tweaks position of the imported FBX in unity

Ignore Rotation

Ignores rotation of FBX

Start Time

Sets the start of animation

End Time

Sets the end time of the animation


You can apply animation from an fbx file to the camera using the Avatar Effect Camera Movement Script.

Click on Add Component under the Inspector window, and search for Camera Follow Path in the search bar.

This component has a few settings:

  • Legacy Animation Clip

Drag the fbx file containing your animation into the Legacy Animation Clip field. See below for FBX settings.

  • Child name

The name of the camera in your FBX file

  • Target name

The name of the camera target in your FBX file

  • Tweak Axis

Unity's orientation is;

Y+ = Up

Z+ = Forward

If your files export from your animation editor with a different orientation you can align to achieve your desired orientation using the Tweak Axis fields.

  • Offset / Ignore rotation

Use these if you want to make universaal adjustments the animation in the editor.

  • Start time / End time

Set the end time to the same as your animation file.

For more info and examples, check here.

Last updated

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