Registration & Grid API
This API requires specific access to be granted to your account. If you have purchased your own Grid, this will be automatically enabled on the primary user account.
You may send parameters as either POST form_data, or as Query parameters on the URL.
All APIs require you send three additional POST parameters - adminname, adminpwd,
and gridid
, these should be the username, and password of an account on the Grid with administrator rights, along with the grid you wish to interface with. We recommend creating a new user for this role specifically.
User Management APIs
Register User
This endpoint allows you to register new users automatically.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
gridid | integer | The unique grid ID to register the user on. |
password | string | The users initial password |
string | The users email address. We will not send any messages to this address unless requested by the user (e.g. password reset) | |
username | string | The desired username for the user |
playeroutfitid | integer | The "Outfit ID" the user should be wearing when they first log in. As this creates 'free' copies of items that may be paid items in our marketplace, the creator of the items must be an administrator of the grid in question. |
Delete User
Deletes or disables a user account
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
userid | integer | The user ID associated with this user. |
Update User
Changes information about a user account
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
userid | integer | The user ID associated with this user. |
string | Updates the users email address | |
password | string | Updates the users password |
Get Users
Returns a bulk list of users associated with the Grid
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
userids | string | A comma separated list of user IDs you are interested in information about. |
offset | integer | The query will return a maximum of 100 records, if more are available, use 'offset' to return past this point. |
Get User By Email
Retrieves information about an individual user via their email address
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
string | The email address associated with the account |
Update Login Region
Updates the user, sets their login scene to the specified ID.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
userid | integer | The user to updates user ID |
regionid | integer | The scene to make as their login scene. Set to zero to return to grid default. |
Region APIs
Create Region
Creates a new region on the grid
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
owner | integer | The user ID to be marked as owner of the region |
templateid | integer | The item ID for the region template to use |
accesslevel | integer | Either "0" for no access, "1" for free-for-all access, "2" for friends-only access, and "3" for approved only access. |
regionname | string | The name of the region you wish to create |
Set Region Role
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
regionid | integer | The ID of the region |
userid | integer | The ID of the user in question |
role | string | Either "Normal", "Admin", or "Blocked". |
Get Regions
Requests a list of regions on the Grid
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
offset | integer | Offsets the results if there is too many to return in a single query. |
owner | integer | Return regions owned by this account |
regionids | string | A CSV separated list of region IDs to return information about. |
Update Region
Updates information about a particular region
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
regionid | integer | The region ID to update information about |
regionname | string | If present, changes the name of the region |
templateid | integer | If present, changes the template of the region to the specified template ID |
accesslevel | integer | Either "0" - no access, "1" - free access, "2" friends-only access, and "3" approved only access. |
Last updated