Bug Reporting

How to report bugs/issues to us

If you have found a bug on our viewer and want to report it, you will need to report it to us through our issue tracker. You will need to login with your Sinespace username and password before you can report an issue.

Issue tracker interface – How to report

When you have logged in, you can either click on the Report Issue button in the top right corner of the screen, or on the left-hand side. When you have clicked on that button, you will see a Enter Issues Details screen with the following:

  • Category: The category is a necessary field to fill in. The category is which OS you are using our viewer on.

  • Reproducible: This is optional to fill in, but it does help us test for the bug quicker.

  • Severity: This is optional, but if the severity is marked, it will help us prioritize bugs which are more important to fix such as major, crashing or blocking bugs.

  • Select Profile: The profile is the version of OS you are using such as 32 or 64-bit Windows. You do not need to fill this in if you do not know the information.

  • Product Version: This is the internal product release number, if you do not know this then it is fine to leave this blank.

  • Summary: This is a necessary field to fill in; it is the general heading for the issue, such as ‘Live viewer crashing’

  • Description: This is a necessary field to fill in; you will need to add a description of the bug here. The more information you add in the description allows us to find and fix the bug quicker.

  • Additional Information: This is for any additional information you might add which could be useful in fixing the bug.

  • Tags: You can add your own tag here, but it is recommended to use the tags under Existing tags to help us find your report.

  • Upload files: You can use this to upload your logs or crash reports, or upload images of the bug if possible.

  • View Status: This is to change the viewing status of the bug to private or public. We recommend setting this to public so our engineering team can see your report as soon as it is posted.

  • Report Stay: Please check this if you need to make more reports.

When you have filled in all the relevant information, you can then click on the Submit Issue button to submit it to us. If you click on the My View button on the left-hand side, you will be able to see all of the bug reports you have made and see their status; they will have a green colored box if the issue has been resolved.

Steps to reproducing issues

The Sinespace Development team need as much detail as possible to recreate issues, be concise and give step by step details of how the issue can be reproduced. Please make sure that bug reports include the following:

  • The viewer/editor pack version being used.

  • Is it the Windows or Mac version?

  • Tell us what happened, be as detailed as possible include screenshots, output logs or console errors where necessary.

  • Tell us how to recreate the issue, be as detailed as possible with step by step instructions.

An example for this is:

  • You change your Outfit in the Outfit window, and when you save and close, your avatar is stuck in T-pose.

  • You try to fix it by changing your Outfit and saving again, but it does not fix.

  • You try to move your avatar around, but the animation is still stuck in T-pose.

These are the steps we would follow to reproduce the bug and see what is causing the issue.

Retrieving viewer output logs

If support asks you to recover a log file for us - usually if something has gone wrong, and we need more information. The following steps will allow you to return it to us.


For Windows, log files are located in the "Application Data" folder, to open this - hold down the Windows Key on your keyboard, and press the 'R' key (you can also use "Run..." from the Start Menu)

Paste the following text:

%appdata%\..\LocalLow\Sine Wave Entertainment Ltd\sinespace

And press enter, this will open a Windows Explorer window - look for a file named output_log - this is the log file, please return this via email to us or through Support.


For macOS, log files are in the user Library folder - to access this, open Finder, and press Shift ⌘+G to open the "Go to Folder" option - in the textbox, enter:


You are looking for a file named Player.log - this is the log file, please return this via email to us or through Support.


For Linux, the file you are looking for is:

~/.config/unity3d/Sine Wave Entertainment Ltd/sinespace/Player.log

Please return to us via email or through Support.

Last updated

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