

Functions Index

Function Name

Properties Index

Property NameDescription

Start delay in seconds. Use this to delay when playback starts on the system.

Determines whether the Particle System is playing.

Determines whether the Particle System is emitting particles. A Particle System may stop emitting when its emission module has finished, it has been paused or if the system has been stopped.

Determines whether the Particle System is stopped.

Determines whether the Particle System is paused.

Specifies whether the Particle System is looping. If you disable looping on a playing Particle System, it stops at the end of the current loop.

If set to true, the Particle System will automatically start playing on startup. Note that this setting is shared between all Particle Systems in the current particle effect.

Playback position in seconds. Use this to read current playback time or to seek to a new playback time.

The duration of the Particle System in seconds.

The playback speed of the Particle System. 1 is normal playback speed.

The current number of particles.

When set to false, the Particle System will not emit particles.

The rate of particle emission.

The rate at which the emitter spawns new particles over time.

The rate at which the emitter spawns new particles over distance. The emitter only spawns new particles when it moves.

The initial speed of particles when the Particle System first spawns them.

The initial size of particles when the Particle System first spawns them.

The initial color of particles when the Particle System first spawns them.

The initial rotation of particles when emitted. When using curves, this value acts as a scale on the curve. Note that the value should be given in radians.

The initial 3D rotation of particles when emitted. When using curves, this value acts as a scale on the curves. Note that the values are Euler angles and should be given in radians.

The total lifetime in seconds that particles will have when emitted. When using curves, this value acts as a scale on the curve. This value is set in the particle when it is created by the Particle System.

A scale that this Particle System applies to gravity.

The maximum number of particles to emit.

Override the random seed used for the Particle System emission.

Controls whether the Particle System uses an automatically-generated random number to seed the random number generator. If set to true, the Particle System will generate a new random seed each time it is played. If set to false, ParticleSystem.randomSeed will be used instead, allowing for a constant seed (useful if you want your particles to play in exactly the same way each time) or user-defined random value (for example, you may want to cycle through an array of seeds).



void Play (bool withChildren) void Play ()

Sets the Particle Systems into play mode and enables emitting (if it has been disabled).

If the Particle System has been paused, then this resumes playing from the previous time. If the Particle System has stopped, then the system starts from time 0, and, if it is relevant, the startDelay is applied. Parameter withChildren: Plays all child Particle Systems as well.




void Stop (bool withChildren) void Stop ()

Stops playing the Particle System. Parameter withChildren: Plays all child Particle Systems as well.




void Pause (bool withChildren) void Pause ()

Pauses the system so no new particles are emitted and the existing particles are not updated. Parameter: withChildren: Pauses all child Particle Systems as well.




void Clear (bool withChildren) void Clear ()

Remove all particles in the Particle System.

This method also removes the particles from any linked sub-emitters. Use the withChildren parameter to remove particles from child Particle Systems that are not sub-emitters of the system.




bool IsAlive (bool withChildren)

Returns True if the Particle System contains live particles or is still creating new particles. False if the Particle System has stopped emitting particles and all particles are dead. Parameter withChildren: checks all child Particle Systems as well.


isAlive = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.IsAlive()
isAlive = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.IsAlive(true)


void Emit (int count)

Emit 'count' particles immediately.




void Simulate (float time)

Fast-forwards the Particle System by simulating particles over 'time' seconds, then pauses it.




void SetTriggerParticles (int type, SParticle[] sp)

Write modified particles back to the Particle System, during a call to OnParticleTrigger. type - Type of trigger to return particles for. sp -- Particle array




Type of trigger to return particles for. 1 = Inside 2 = Outside 3 = Enter 4 = Exit


A table of SParticle



SParticle[] GetTriggerParticles (int type)

Get the particles that met the condition in the particle trigger module. his method is typically called from MonoBehaviour.OnParticleTrigger in response to a trigger callback.




Type of trigger to return particles for. 1 = Inside 2 = Outside 3 = Enter 4 = Exit

ParticlesArray = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.GetTriggerParticles(0)



float StartDelay get set

Start delay in seconds. Use this to delay when playback starts on the system.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartDelay = 5


bool IsPlaying get

Determines whether the Particle System is playing.

isPlaying = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.IsPlaying


bool IsEmitting get

Determines whether the Particle System is emitting particles. A Particle System may stop emitting when its emission module has finished, it has been paused or if the system has been stopped.

isEmitting = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.IsEmitting


bool IsStopped get

Determines whether the Particle System is stopped.

isStopped = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.IsStopped


bool IsPaused get

Determines whether the Particle System is paused.

isPaused = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.IsPaused


bool Loop get set

Specifies whether the Particle System is looping. If you disable looping on a playing Particle System, it stops at the end of the current loop.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.Loop = true


bool PlayOnAwake get set

If set to true, the Particle System will automatically start playing on startup. Note that this setting is shared between all Particle Systems in the current particle effect.



float Time get set

Playback position in seconds. Use this to read current playback time or to seek to a new playback time.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.Time = 5.0


float Duration get

The duration of the Particle System in seconds.

duration = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.Duration


float PlaybackSpeed get set

The playback speed of the Particle System. 1 is normal playback speed.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.PlaybackSpeed =  1.5


int ParticleCount get

The current number of particles.

count = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.ParticleCount


bool EnableEmission get set

When set to false, the Particle System will not emit particles.

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.EnableEmission = true


float EmissionRate get set

The rate of particle emission.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.EmissionRate = 10 


float EmissionRateOverTime get set

The rate at which the emitter spawns new particles over time.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.EmissionRateOverTime = 10 


float EmissionRateOverDistance get set

The rate at which the emitter spawns new particles over distance. The emitter only spawns new particles when it moves.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.EmissionRateOverDistance = 10 


float StartSpeed get set

The initial speed of particles when the Particle System first spawns them.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartSpeed = 10 


float StartSize get set

The initial size of particles when the Particle System first spawns them.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartSize = 1.2 


SColor StartColor get set

The initial color of particles when the Particle System first spawns them.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartColor = Color.Red


float StartRotation get set

The initial rotation of particles when emitted. When using curves, this value acts as a scale on the curve. Note that the value should be given in radians.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartRotation = 20.5


SVector StartRotation3D get set

The initial 3D rotation of particles when emitted. When using curves, this value acts as a scale on the curves. Note that the values are Euler angles and should be given in radians.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartRotation3D = Vector.New(0,20,20) 


float StartLifetime get set

The total lifetime in seconds that particles will have when emitted. When using curves, this value acts as a scale on the curve. This value is set in the particle when it is created by the Particle System.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.StartLifetime = 20 


float GravityModifier get set

A scale that this Particle System applies to gravity.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.GravityModifier = 1.2 


int MaxParticles get set

The maximum number of particles to emit.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.MaxParticles = 500


uint RandomSeed get set

Override the random seed used for the Particle System emission.

 Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.RandomSeed = 23423423 
spawningparticles = Space.Scene.Find("Particles")
--get particle object and get the particle system component on it.
--set random seed.
particles.UseAutoRandomSeed = false
particles.RandomSeed = 123456


bool UseAutoRandomSeed get set

Controls whether the Particle System uses an automatically-generated random number to seed the random number generator. If set to true, the Particle System will generate a new random seed each time it is played. If set to false, ParticleSystem.randomSeed will be used instead, allowing for a constant seed (useful if you want your particles to play in exactly the same way each time) or user-defined random value (for example, you may want to cycle through an array of seeds).

Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.UseAutoRandomSeed = true 


SGameObject GameObject get

Property Description

theGameObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject.ParticleSystem.GameObject

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