Functions Index
Properties Index
void LoadOutfit (int outfitID)
Changes the current Avatar's outfit to outfitID. For a player Avatar, this only works on white-label grid. For NPC avatars, this works on all grids.
void ResetOutfit ()
Changes the current Avatar's outfit and resets it to outfitID 0. For a player Avatar, this only works on white-label grid. For NPC avatars, this works on all grids.
void ResetOutfitToTemplate (int outfitID)
Changes the current Avatar's outfit to outfitID only if the player running this code already owns that outfit. For a player Avatar, this only works on white-label grid. For NPC avatars, this works on all grids.
float GetSlider (int slider)
Return the value of Appearance Sliders.
1= Asian, 2= European, 3= African, 4= FaceShape, 5= FaceWidth, 6= FaceLength, 7= ForeheadShape, 8= ForeheadDepth, 9= CheekHeight, 10= CheekWidth, 11= JawShape, 12= JawWidth, 13= JawHeight, 14= EyebrowHeight, 15= EyebrowDepth, 16= EyeHeight, 17= EyeSpacing, 18= EyeSize, 19= EyeWidth, 20= EyeballSize, 21= EyeInside, 22= EyeOutside, 23= EyelashLength, 24= NoseWidth, 25= NoseDepth, 26= NoseHeight, 27= NoseShape, 28= NoseTipShape, 29= NostrilWidth, 30= MouthWidth, 31= MouthHeight, 32= MouthDepth, 33= UpperLipWidth, 34= UpperLipThickness, 35= LowerLipWidth, 36= LowerLipThickness, 37= Smile, 38= EarHeight, 39= EarWidth, 40= Earlobe, 41= EarShape, 42= Muscular, 43= Toned, 44= Grand, 45= Lean, 46= SkullHeight, 47= SkullWidth, 48= SkullDepth, 49= NeckThickness, 50= ShoulderThickness, 51= UpperArmThickness, 52= ForearmThickness, 53= WristSize, 54= ElbowThin, 55= HandThickness, 56= HandTone, 57= FingerWidth, 58= BustProximity, 59= BustSize, 60= ChestDepth, 61= PectoralSize, 62= PectoralHeight, 63= AbdomenMiddle, 64= AbdomenDepth, 65= WaistWidth, 66= HipSize, 67= GlutesSize, 68= GlutesHeight, 69= LoveHandles, 70= ThighSize, 71= KneeTone, 72= ShinSize, 73= AnkleTone, 74= FootThickness, 75= FootTone, 76= ToeWidth, 77= HeadSize, 78= NeckSize, 79= ShoulderSize, 80= UpperArmSize, 81= ForearmSize, 82= HandSize, 83= SpineSize, 84= ChestSize, 85= UpperLegSize, 86= LowerLegSize, 87= FeetSize, 88= ToesSize, 89= HeadPosition, 90= NeckLength, 91= ForearmLength, 92= HandPosition, 93= SpineLength, 94= ChestLength, 95= UpperLegLength, 96= LowerLegLength, 97= FeetLength, 98= ToesLength, 99= ShoulderHeight, 100= ShoulderWidth, 101= FeetFloorOffset
float GetHeight ()
Return height of avatar.
SColor GetSkinTone ()
Return skin tone of avatar.
SColor GetEyeTone ()
Return eye tone of avatar.
long OutfitID get
Return the current outfit id.
SGameObject Skeleton get
Return the GameObject of avatar skeleton.
bool Loaded get
Returns true if the avatar is full loaded.
SGameObject GameObject get
Property Description
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