Returns True upon successful connection to the Region/Shard properties' storage. Region/Shard property operations may not be ready when used during initialization and this function ill help determine readiness.
Sends a networked message to every client with a subscriber listening on 'key'. The message itself can be a dictionary/table containing two columns and any network serializable type (string, float, int, byte, bool and arrays of those types)
Sends a networked message to a specific user with a subscriber listening on 'key'. The message itself can be a dictionary/table containing two columns and any network serializable type (string, float, int, byte, bool and arrays of those types)
onRecieve(NetworkPropertyUpdate) will be called when a Region Property is updated.
NetworkPropertyUpdate = { Key: "property_name", Message: "property_value" }
local scriptedObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;local textValue = Space.Host.GetReference("Text");scriptedObject.SubscribeToEvents();-- This function gets used by other objects that are subscribed to the networkgotAMessage=function(arguments) textValue.UIText.Text ="Got a message with the argument " .. arguments.Message["someArgument"];end-- This function gets used by "this" object. Plus, it sends out a message to objects on the network.localupdateTextUI=function() textValue.UIText.Text ="Got a message with the argument Hi there!"; Space.Network.SendNetworkMessage("helloworld", {someArgument ="Hi there!"});end-- Subscribe to network. Note that "this" object doesn't execute gotAMessage.-- Only the other objects on the network do.Space.Network.SubscribeToNetwork("helloworld", gotAMessage);scriptedObject.OnMouseDown(updateTextUI);-- "Text" used with GetReference is a UItext canvas object used to display the test text inworld. After you add UI > Text to your scene, drag the text object to the Object References section in your script.
void SetRegionProperty (string key, string value)
Stores a key/value pair in the Regions semi-permanent memory. Will be erased when all players exit the region, but will persist as long as the region is open. Subject to rate limiting (10/second on the main grid and 20/second on white-label grids)
--this script is a networked and persistent color changing of an object--note that we put the object's GlobalID in the key to make it specific to this objectthisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObjectcurrentColor =nilOnClick=function() --this writes to the region propertiesif currentColor == Color.Blue then Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .."color", "red")else Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .."color", "blue")endendSync=function() -- this gets from the region propertieswhiletruedolocal result = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .."color")if result =="red" then currentColor = Color.Red else currentColor = Color.Blueend thisObject.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", currentColor) coroutine.yield(0.1) --to make sure it doesn't run more than 12/secondendendthisObject.AddClickable()thisObject.Clickable.OnClick(OnClick)Space.Host.StartCoroutine(Sync)
string GetRegionProperty (string key)
Retrieves the last set value for 'key' in this region. If you have just joined the region, this may not be populated immedietely.
result = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty("testKey")
--this script is a networked and persistent color changing of an object--note that we put the object's GlobalID in the key to make it specific to this objectthisObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObjectcurrentColor =nilOnClick=function() --this writes to the region propertiesif currentColor == Color.Blue then Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .."color", "red")else Space.Network.SetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .."color", "blue")endendSync=function() -- this gets from the region propertieswhiletruedolocal result = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty(thisObject.GlobalID .."color")if result =="red" then currentColor = Color.Red else currentColor = Color.Blueend thisObject.Renderer.Material.SetColor("_Color", currentColor) coroutine.yield(0.1) --to make sure it doesn't run more than 12/secondendendthisObject.AddClickable()thisObject.Clickable.OnClick(OnClick)Space.Host.StartCoroutine(Sync)
void SetShardProperty (string key, string value)
Sets a property named 'key' of the Shard to 'value'. Will persist until the Shard is shut down or restarted. (Use SPersistence for longer term storage)
local scriptedObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;scriptedObject.SubscribeToEvents();local testMsg ="Hello";localupdateTextUI=function() Space.Network.SetShardProperty("testKey", testMsg);endscriptedObject.OnMouseDown(updateTextUI);
string GetShardProperty (string key)
Gets a previously set key.
local scriptedObject = Space.Host.ExecutingObject;scriptedObject.SubscribeToEvents();local textValue = Space.Host.GetReference("Text");local retrieved;localupdateTextUI=function() retrieved = Space.Network.GetShardProperty("testKey");end-- this method is called every frame, once "retrieved" gets a value, it displays in textlocalonUpdateMethod=function()updateTextUI();if retrieved ~=nilthen textValue.UIText.Text ="Retrieved msg: " .. retrieved ;endendscriptedObject.OnUpdate(onUpdateMethod);
bool HasShardPropertiesget
Returns True upon successful connection to the Region/Shard properties' storage. Region/Shard property operations may not be ready when used during initialization and this function ill help determine readiness.
IsReady = Space.Network.HasShardProperties
--This script starts but launches a coroutine that waits for HasShardProperties before continuingDoWhatYouNeed=function(result)if property ==nilor property =="" thenSpace.Log("connected but Shard doesn't exist")elseSpace.Log("connected and Shard exists. Result: " ..tostring(result))endendInitCoroutine=function()whilenot Space.Network.HasShardProperties docoroutine.yield(0) endlocal property = Space.Network.GetRegionProperty("A Key")DoWhatYouNeed(property)endSpace.Host.StartCoroutine(InitCoroutine)