void SubscribeToEvents ()
Causes this script to start listening to events on the object.
This function is now automatically called by events that require it
void SetSiblingIndex (int newIndex)
Sets the sibling index.
Use this to change the sibling index of the GameObject. If a GameObject shares a parent with other GameObjects and are on the same level (i.e. they share the same direct parent), these GameObjects are known as siblings. The sibling index shows where each GameObject sits in this sibling hierarchy.
Use SetSiblingIndex to change the GameObject’s place in this hierarchy. When the sibling index of a GameObject is changed, its order in the Hierarchy window will also change.
void SetAsFirstSibling ()
This GameObject becomes the first Sibling
void SetAsLastSibling ()
This GameObject becomes the last Sibling
SGameObject Duplicate ()
Copies the object and returns a reference to the copy. Equivalent to calling Instantiate() in Unity
SGameObject Instantiate ()
Copy of Duplicate() for convenience
SHingeJoint AddHingeJoint ()
Adds a Hinge Joint component to this Game Object and returns its reference
SLight AddLight ()
Adds a Light component to the object.
SAnimator AddAnimator ()
Adds an Animator component to this Game Object and returns its reference
SAudioSource AddAudioSource ()
Adds an AudioSource component to the object.
SClickable AddClickable ()
Adds a Clickable component to the object.
SScriptingRuntime GetScript (string name)
Returns a Scripting Runtime component attached to this object by Component Name, or nil if none exist
List< SScriptingRuntime > GetScriptsInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Returns Scripting Runtime components attached to this object by Component Name or its children
SScriptingRuntime GetScriptInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Returns a Scripting Runtime component attached to this object or its children by Component Name, or nil if none exist
SScriptingRuntime GetScriptInParent (string name)
Returns a Scripting Runtime component attached to this object or its parents by Component Name, or nil if none exist
SScriptingEvents GetEvents (string name)
Function Description
List< SScriptingEvents > GetAllEventsInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Function Description
SScriptingEvents GetEventsInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Function Description
SScriptingEvents GetEventsInParent (string name)
Function Description
SScriptingResources GetResources (string name)
Function Description
List< SScriptingResources > GetAllResourcesInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Function Description
SScriptingResources GetResourcesInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Function Description
SScriptingResources GetResourcesInParent (string name)
Function Description
SScriptingData GetData (string name)
Returns a Scripting Data component attached to this object by Component Name, or nil if none exist
List< SScriptingData > GetAllDataInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Returns Scripting Data components attached to this object by Component Name or its children
SScriptingData GetDataInChildren (string name, bool includeInactive=false)
Returns a Scripting Data component attached to this object or its children by Component Name, or nil if none exist
SScriptingData GetDataInParent (string name)
Returns a Scripting Data component attached to this object or its parents by Component Name, or nil if none exist
SRigidbody AddRigidbody ()
Adds a Rigidbody component to the object.
SNavMeshAgent AddNavMeshAgent ()
Adds a NavMeshAgent component to the object.
SSeat AddSeat ()
Adds a Seat component to the object.
void OnAwake (Closure e)
Binds a event to the Awake() event.
void OnStart (Closure e)
Binds a event to the Start() event.
void OnEnable (Closure e)
Binds a event to the OnEnable() event.
void OnDisable (Closure e)
Binds a event to the OnDisable() event.
void OnFixedUpdate (Closure e)
Binds a event to the OnFixedUpdate() event.
void OnLateUpdate (Closure e)
Binds a event to the OnLateUpdate() event.
void OnTriggerStart (Action< SGameObject > e) void OnTriggerStart (Closure e)
When a GameObject collides with another GameObject, Unity calls OnTriggerEnter.
OnTriggerEnter happens on the FixedUpdate function when two GameObjects collide. The Colliders involved are not always at the point of initial contact.
Note: Both GameObjects must contain a Collider component. One must have Collider.isTrigger enabled, and contain a Rigidbody. If both GameObjects have Collider.isTrigger enabled, no collision happens. The same applies when both GameObjects do not have a Rigidbody component.
void OnTriggerStay (Action< SGameObject > e) void OnTriggerStay (Closure e)
OnTriggerStay is called almost all the frames for every Collider other that is touching the trigger. The function is on the physics timer so it won't necessarily run every frame.
This message is sent to the trigger and the collider that touches the trigger. Note that trigger events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a rigidbody attached. Trigger events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions.
void OnTriggerExit (Action< SGameObject > e) void OnTriggerExit (Closure e)
OnTriggerExit is called when the Collider other has stopped touching the trigger.
This message is sent to the trigger and the Collider that touches the trigger. Notes: Trigger events are only sent if one of the Colliders also has a Rigidbody attached. Trigger events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions. OnTriggerExit occurs on the FixedUpdate after the Colliders have stopped touching. The Colliders involved are not guaranteed to be at the point of initial separation.
void OnCollisionEnter (Action< SPhysicsHit > e) void OnCollisionEnter (Closure e)
OnCollisionEnter is called when this collider/rigidbody has begun touching another rigidbody/collider.
In contrast to OnTriggerStart, OnCollisionEnter is passed the SPhysicsHit class and not a Collider (GameObject). The SPhysicsHit class contains information, for example, about contact points and impact velocity. Notes: Collision events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a non-kinematic rigidbody attached. Collision events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions.
void OnCollisionStay (Action< SPhysicsHit > e) void OnCollisionStay (Closure e)
OnCollisionStay is called once per frame for every collider/rigidbody that is touching rigidbody/collider.
In contrast to OnTriggerStay, OnCollisionStay is passed the SPhysicsHit class and not a Collider (GameObject). The SPhysicsHit class contains information about contact points, impact velocity etc. If you don't use collisionInfo in the function, leave out the collisionInfo parameter as this avoids unneccessary calculations. Notes: Collision events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a non-kinematic rigidbody attached. Collision events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions. Collision stay events are not sent for sleeping Rigidbodies.
void OnCollisionExit (Action< SPhysicsHit > e) void OnCollisionExit (Closure e)
OnCollisionExit is called when this collider/rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody/collider.
In contrast to OnTriggerExit, OnCollisionExit is passed the SPhysicsHit class and not a Collider. The SPhysicsHit class contains information about contact points, impact velocity etc. If you don't use collisionInfo in the function, leave out the collisionInfo parameter as this avoids unneccessary calculations. Notes: Collision events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a non-kinematic rigidbody attached. Collision events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions.
void OnParticleCollision (Action< SGameObject > e) void OnParticleCollision (Closure e)
OnParticleCollision is called when a particle hits a Collider.
This can be used to apply damage to a GameObject when hit by particles.
This message is sent to scripts attached to Particle Systems and to the Collider that was hit.
When OnParticleCollision is invoked from a script attached to a GameObject with a Collider, the GameObject parameter represents the ParticleSystem. The Collider receives at most one message per Particle System that collided with it in any given frame even when the Particle System struck the Collider with multiple particles in the current frame.
When OnParticleCollision is invoked from a script attached to a ParticleSystem, the GameObject parameter represents a GameObject with an attached Collider struck by the ParticleSystem. The ParticleSystem receives at most one message per Collider that is struck.
Messages are only sent if you enable Send Collision Messages in the Inspector of the Particle System Collision module.
The OnParticleCollision can be a co-routine. Simply use the yield statement in the function.
void OnParticleTrigger (Closure e)
Binds a new event handler for the OnParticleTrigger event.
OnParticleTrigger event is called when any particles in a Particle System meet the conditions in the trigger module.
This can be used to kill or modify particles that are inside or outside a collision volume.
void OnUpdate (Closure e)
Binds a event to the OnUpdate() event.
void OnMouseDown (Closure e)
Binds a event to the OnMouseDown() event.
void OnApplicationQuit (Closure e)
Binds a new event handler for the On Application Quit event
bool CompareTag (string tag)
Function Description
void SetParent (SGameObject other, bool worldPositionStays=true)
Make this GameObject the child of GameObject 'other'
SGameObject Find (string name)
Find and return a reference to GameObject with name 'name'
SGameObject FindInChildren (string name)
Find and return a reference to GameObject with name 'name' including children
void Destroy ()
Schedules this object for deletion at the end of the frame
SComponent GetComponent (string name)
long Owner get
Returns the GameObject's Owner
int LocalID get
Returns the GameObject's Local ID
int InventoryID get
Return's the GameObject's InventoryID
bool HasStableID get
Returns true if GameObject has Stable ID
string? GlobalID get
Returns the global ID of the GameObject
bool Exists get
Does this object still exist in the scene (returns false if the object has been deleted via Destroy();)
SHingeJoint HingeJoint get
Returns a HingeJoint component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SLight Light get
Returns a reference to a Light component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SReflectionProbe ReflectionProbe get
Returns a ReflectionProbe component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SLight LightInChildget
Returns a Light component attached to this object or its children, or nil if none exist
SLight LightInParent get
Returns a Light component attached to this object or it's parent, or nil if none exist
SAnimator Animator get
Returns a reference to a Animator component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SAnimation Animation get
Returns an Animation component attached to this object, or nil if none exist Animation is a legacy component and should not be confused with Animator
SCanvasGroup CanvasGroup get
Returns Canvas Group component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SAudioSource Audio get
Returns a reference to a AudioSource component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SRoomFloor Floor get
Returns a RoomFloor component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SVoiceZone VoiceZone get
Returns a VoiceZone component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SBrowserSurface Browser get
Returns a reference to a BrowserSurface component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SPlayableDirector Director get
Returns a PlayableDirector component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SRenderer Renderer get
Returns a reference to a Renderer component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SModularVehicle Vehicle get
Returns a Modular Vehicle component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SPostProcessVolume PostProcessVolume get
Returns a Post Process Volume component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SAXModel Archimatix get
Returns a Archimatix Model ("AXModel" component) - or Nil if nothing exists
SClickable Clickable get
Returns a reference to a Clickable component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SEmbeddedVideo EmbeddedVideo get
Returns an Embedded Video component attached to this object, or nil if none exist (may not work within editor)
SAvatar Avatar get
A reference to an Avatar component on the GameObject.
SAvatarAppearance AvatarAppearance get
Returns a AvatarAppearance component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SScriptingRuntime Script get
Returns a Scripting Runtime component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SStateMachine StateMachine get
Returns a State Machine component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SNetworking Networking get
Returns a Simple Networking component attached to this object, or nil if none exists
SScriptingEvents Events get
Property Description
SScriptingResources Resources get
Property Description
SScriptingData Data get
Returns a Scripting Data component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SRigidbody Rigidbody get
Returns a reference to a Rigidbody component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SCollider Collider get
Returns a reference to a Collider component on the object. Will return null if it does not exist.
SBoxCollider BoxCollider get
Returns a Box Collider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SSphereCollider SphereCollider get
Returns a Sphere Collider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SCapsuleCollider CapsuleCollider get
Returns a Capsule Collider component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SCharacterController CharacterController get
Returns a Character Controller component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SAudioReactiveBase AudioReactive get
Returns the first Audio Reactive component attached to this object, or nil if none exist
SAttachmentHelper AttachmentHelper get