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Sinespace® is a registered trademark of Sine Wave Entertainment Ltd, All Rights Reserved.
Set the position of a vertex in the line.
Get the position of a vertex in the line
Set the positions of all vertices in the line.
Get the positions of all vertices in the line.
void SetWidth (float start, float end)
Set width at start and end
Set color at start and end (Line shader necessary)
bool Enabled get
Makes the renderer visible if enabled.
bool ReceiveShadows get
Enable this option to make the line display any shadows that are cast upon it.
bool IsVisible get
To check if this renderer is visible.
bool CastShadows get
Specify if and how the line casts shadows when a suitable Light shine on it.
bool MotionVectors get
Specifies whether this renderer has a per-object motion vector pass. If set to true, this object will have a per-object motion vector pass rendered
bool UseLightProbes get
The light probe interpolation type.
float StartWidth get
Set the width at the start of the line.
float EndWidth get
Set the width at the end of the line.
float WidthMultiplier get
Set an overall multiplier that is applied to the LineRenderer.widthCurve to get the final width of the line.
Set the color at the start of the line.
Set the color at the end of the line.
int PositionCount get
Set/get the number of vertices.
bool UseWorldSpace get
If enabled, the points are considered as world space coordinates. If disabled, they are local to the transform of the GameObject to which this component is attached.
bool Loop get
Enable this to connect the first and last positions of the line, and form a closed loop.
int NumCornerVertices get
Set this to a value greater than 0, to get rounded corners between each segment of the line.
int NumCapVertices get
Set this to a value greater than 0, to get rounded corners on each end of the line.
int TextureMode get
Control how the Texture is applied to the line. (0-3)
int Alignment get
Set the direction that the line faces. (0 or 1)
Property Description
void SetPosition (int index, position)
GetPosition (int index)
void SetPositions ([] positions)
[] GetPositions ()
void SetColors ( start, end)
StartColor get
EndColor get
GameObject get