Functions Index
void Blend (string animation, float targetWeight=1.0F, float fadeLength=0.3F)
void CrossFade (string animation, float fadeLength=0.3F)
SAnimationState CrossFadeQueued (string animation, float fadeLength=0.3F, bool playNow=false)
int GetClipCount ()
bool IsPlaying (string animation)
SAnimationState PlayQueued (string animation, bool playNow=false)
void Rewind (string animation)
void Sample ()
Properties Index
SAnimationState GetState () SAnimationState GetState (string state)
Returns the SAnimationState for the default animation clip.
void Blend (string animation, float targetWeight=1.0F, float fadeLength=0.3F)
Blends the animation named animation towards targetWeight over the next time seconds. Playback of other animations will not be affected.
void CrossFade (string animation, float fadeLength=0.3F)
Fades the animation with name animation in over a period of time seconds and fades other animations out.
If mode is PlayMode.StopSameLayer, animations in the same layer as animation will be faded out while animation is faded in. if mode is PlayMode.StopAll, all animations will be faded out while animation is faded in.
If the animation is not set to be looping it will be stopped and rewound after playing.
SAnimationState CrossFadeQueued (string animation, float fadeLength=0.3F, bool playNow=false)
Returns a duplicated SAnimationState. This duplicate will self-destruct after it is finished playing. Referencing it after it has completed will result in an error.
int GetClipCount ()
Get the number of clips currently assigned to this animation.
bool IsPlaying (string animation)
Is the animation named name playing?
bool Play () bool Play (string animation)
Plays an animation without any blending.
If no name is supplied then the default animation will be played. In cases where the animation can't be played (ie, there is no default animation or no animation with the specified name), the function will return false.
The optional playMode lets you choose how this animation will affect others already playing.
If the specified animation is already playing then other animations will be stopped but the animation will not rewind to the beginning.
When the end of the animation is reached it will automatically be stopped and rewound to the start unless the PlayMode is set to Loop.
Note that if you call Animation.Play on an object during a frame update where the object is also deactivated then the call will effectively be cancelled; the animation will not start playing when the object is later reactivated. However, if you make the call on a subsequent frame (ie, while the object is still inactive) then the animation will start playing after reactivation.
SAnimationState PlayQueued (string animation, bool playNow=false)
Returns a duplicated SAnimationState. This duplicate will self-destruct after it is finished playing. Referencing it after it has completed will result in an error.
void Rewind (string animation)
Rewinds the animation named name.
void Sample ()
Samples animations at the current state.
This is useful when you explicitly want to set up some animation state, and sample it once.
void Stop () void Stop (string animation)
Stops all playing animations that were started with this Animation.
Stopping an animation also Rewinds it to the Start.
bool Enabled get
Whether this component is enabled or not.
IDictionary< string, SAnimationState > States get
Returns a table of SAnimationState names and references
SGameObject GameObject get
Returns a reference to the GameObject of this component.
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